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“SEMILUNA” decor with artificial flowers and LED

Decor "SEMILUNA", decorated with artificial flowers and LED strip on the side. Predominant colors lilac, pink-purple, fuchsia and white. The product is for rent, it can be decorated in other colors. The rental can be made at the client's home or at the events salon (information by phone), depending on the available date.

Decor “FEREASTRA” with artificial flowers and candcherries

Decor "FEREASTRA" made of artificial flowers, including 2 candlesticks with candles (on batteries) and a bench. Predominant colours lilac, purple and white. The artificial flower decoration can also be done in other colors. The decoration can be rented at the client's home or at the event hall depending on the available date. (information by phone).

Decor pampas triunghi 150 cm

Decor PhotoCorner sub forma de triunghi. realizat cu flori uscate si artificiale, ce contine pampas natural uscat. Culori predominante portocaliu-terracota, bej, crem, ivoire si alb. Pretul afisat este pentru inchiriere.

Decor pampas triunghi 180 cm

Decor PhotoCorner  sub forma de triunghi din lemn, realizat cu flori uscate si artificiale, ce contine pampas natural uscat. Culori predominante, portocaliu- terracota, bej, crem, ivoire si alb. Pretul afisat este pentru inchiriere.

Panou PhotoCorner Jungle + Better Together PP01

Panou PhotoCorner Jungle decorat cu verdeata artificiale in stil Jungle, semn luminos LED "Better Together" si lumini laterale. Culori predominante: diverse nuante de verde. Pretul afisat este pentru inchiriere.

PhotoCorner cu flori artificiale “Fereastra + Mr &Mrs “

Panou PhotoCorner tip Fereastra, decorata cu flori artificiale, ce contine si un semn luminos LED "Mr & Mrs". Culori predominante alb, ivoire si auriu. Dimensiuni: Inaltime 2.60m, Latime 1.60m. Pretul afisat este pentru inchiriere.

PhotoCorner with natural pampas and artificial flowers

PhotoCorner made of 3 wooden triangles decorated with natural pampas and artificial flowers. Predominant colors beige, cream, orange, yellowish and white. The displayed price is for rent.

Rama PhotoCorner + bancuta + 2 stalpi decorativi (de inchiriat)

Rama foto ideala pentru PhotoCorner la diverse evenimente, aceasta poate fi decorata si in functie de tematica evenimentului. Pretul de inchiriere contine si bancuta si 2 stalpi decorative, dar se pot elimina daca nu sunt necesare, ulterior se recalculeaza pretul de inchiriere.